Harold Harkin Blogs

Harold Harkin Blogs


My Testimony Blog

5 Oct 2020
My Updated Testimony Blog by Harold Harkin

My Updated Testimony Blog by Harold Harkin

My Testimony Blog Video

The First Video is My Testimony but if you have time please view the Video Playlist below the 1st video.

Here is video Playlist of 4 Videos below of My Updated Testimony by Harold Harkin.

When you Play First Video Below please wait for 2nd Video to start and so on till all 4 videos play.

Video 1: Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again

Video 2: Updated Testimony by Harold Harkin

Video 3: I’m The Bread of Life by Jesus Christ 

Video 4: Old Testimony by Harold Harkin

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3 Feb 2022
3 Feb 2022
Harold Harkin