Harold Harkin Blogs

Harold Harkin Blogs


Dr David Jeremiah Christianity 

22 Jun 2023
22 Jun 2023
Dr David Jeremiah Christianity Facebook Page

Dr David Jeremiah Christianity Facebook Page

Post 12: UK Christianity and Dr David Jeremiah Christianity Facebook Page and Group.

Please Visit and Like our Facebook Page at UK Christianity by clicking here 

our New Group at 🙏 ⛪ 📚Click Here Dr David Jeremiah Christianity🙏 ⛪ 📚for getting latest news and Church events and videos of Services our photos and videos and also Bible verses and books Thanks Bron very much for the likes of this meal, God Bless you and your family, take care Dr David Jeremiah. Please consider sharing this blog and Facebook groups with family and friends.

22 Jun 2023
Religion Bible Advice

Religion Bible Advice

Post 13: Updates on Suicide 

Want share my thoughts and what the Bible says on suicide in today society. Now today society there are many people who commit suicide And we feel sorry for them, but why would someone want commit suicide is so sad.

Now read what the Bible says at passage below.

Two of the incidents of self-killing in the Bible exhibit a positive attitude toward suicide. Arguably, the author of the Gospel of Matthew intends the reader to interpret the disciple Judas’s hanging as an act of remorse. Judas repents (metamelētheis) and returns the blood money that he received for turning Jesus over to the authorities who executed him (Matt 27:3). Judas acknowledges that he has “sinned in betraying innocent blood” (Matt 27:4). His suicide may be interpreted as an act of atonement because he himself carries out the penalty laid down in the Hebrew Bible for taking a life: “no expiation can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of him who shed it” (Num 35:33; see also Lev 24:17). There is no hint of condemnation of Judas’s self-killing in Matthew. If anything, it is a solution to his guilt rather than something that adds to it.

Now Read the passage below from the bible.

What Defiles a Person
Matthew 15 verse 16 to 20

Matthew 15:16-20

Verse 16 "Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. 

Verse 17 Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 

Verse 18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 

Verse 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 

Verse 20 These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "

Now if you understand this that the heart is evil for every person now think about that in today society now we go through life but Satan is at work in our hearts and everyday he is sending evil thoughts to our hearts now in today society we go to work our to shops and we see people and think they look an good person our they look sad our happy but in that person Satan is sending evil thoughts and so that person is not showing these evil thoughts but that person is suffering.

So they try and fight against these thoughts but do not know how some think that smoking cigarettes calms there nerves our taking drugs help them block out these evil thoughts but the only way to cope with these thoughts is to turn to Jesus. As he defeated Satan on the cross, once we know that we start to cope if only we know that we not commit suicide our such evil deeds.

So if your thinking evil thoughts and want commit suicide Think again it is Satan wanting you to commit suicide he does not want you go to heaven to be with Jesus and God. Best way is to read Bible to fight against Satan and pray for Jesus to come into your heart and send the holy Sprit into your life and not give into these suicide thoughts.

Our same applies to taking drugs is a way people believe gets rid of these evil thoughts in your evil hearts.

Hope this helps you.

Please like our Facebook Page at UK Christianity

by Clicking Here

Here I offer you some advice if your an christain our not. If your an christain and you go to church every Sunday and read your Bible you may think your safe from Satan.

But you need be aware of how devious Satan can be.

Ok if you go to church every weekend and read your Bible and do this for months our years now then Satan may try and trick you he may send thoughts to your heart saying think I miss church today as something on tv want watch our something else our miss reading the Bible today you say I do that next week. So when next week comes have same thoughts so then you keep doing this and first it was days then months which then becomes years. Now been an christain it is not an weekly thing just going to church every weekend. It should be an daily thing now to make it daily set an side some time each day even 15 mins to 1 hour to gain knowledge now to do that I read books by Dr David Jeremiah an USA Preacher now he understand about life problems and tells us how to combat them in his books how to let the bible run our life from God word.

Now if you set an side some time each day to read it help your life an life as an christain should.

Now do not trust your thoughts as that is what Satan does he makes your heart do evil and reject God is why so many Christian’s backslide these days.

I suggest you read below your click link below for the full Bible verses.

Matthew 15 verse 16 to 20

16 Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them.

17 Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 

18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 

19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 

20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Now if you understand this on an daily bases you fight against Satan and that hurt him.

Now to help you in your Path to Heaven please watch the Daily videos and websites to read and gain knowledge to fight against Satan also check out the links to buy books by Dr David Jeremiah below.

Hope you accept this advice and enjoy this blog to help you.

22 Jun 2023
Religion Updates

Religion Updates

Post 14: Religion Updates

Wednesday 1st March 2023

I turned the New Testament video into an playlist of 92 videos so you can choose what videos you want view please try on next page..

Wednesday 1st March 2023

I turned the Old Testament video into an playlist of 41 videos so you can choose what videos you want view please try on next page.

Thursday 23rd February 2023

Have updated the Old Testament Videos as had problems with old videos so found new videos to Teach.

12 May 2023
Old Testament Videos

Old Testament Videos

Post 15: Old Testament Videos Playlist

Here I provide 41 Videos Playlist of Old Testament Videos.

Please press play on video below and when it finishes wait for 2nd video to start and so on till all 41 videos are played our click top right of video and you can choose what video you want watch. Thanks for visiting this site please share this blog with your family and friends.

12 May 2023
12 May 2023
Religion Bible Resources

Religion Bible Resources

Post 16: Religion Bible Resources 

Please click number 2 page link below to view the rest of my daily editing Posts. Not too many left 😆 

12 May 2023
New Testament Videos

New Testament Videos

Post 17: New Testament Videos Playlist

Here I provide Videos of New Testament Videos Playlist of 92 Videos.

Please press play on video below and when it finishes wait for 2nd video to start and so on till all 92 videos are played our click top right of video and you can choose what video you want watch. Thanks for visiting this site please share this blog with your family and friends.

22 Mar 2023
22 Mar 2023
Gospel Tent Missions Ballymena

Gospel Tent Missions Ballymena

Post 18: Gospel Tent Missions Ballymena

Here we provide an video playlist of Gospel Tent Missions Ballymena meetings there are 22 videos in the video on next Page so when one finishes wait for 2nd video start and so on for the 22 entire collection.

21 Mar 2023
21 Mar 2023
Buckna Presbyterian Church

Buckna Presbyterian Church

Post 19: Buckna Presbyterian Church Videos Playlist

The Video Below is Buckna Presbyterian Church Videos Playlist of 135 Videos now please choose what videos you want watch the first video is latest and so on.

Just choose at top right of video 2nd Tab from left to right.

21 Mar 2023
1 Mar 2023
Dr David Jeremiah Books

Dr David Jeremiah Books

Post 20: Dr David Jeremiah Books

Here is an sample of Dr David Jeremiah Books in images below To Buy Dr David Jeremiah Books our Printed books click links Below.

Uk Amazon 

Buy This Book Link

USA Amazon 

Buy This Book Link

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Harold Harkin